Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mini Diamonds: What Is Frac Sand?

We all think of sand as something that we saw on the beach, playing in the playground, or used to decorate the house. However, not all sands are equal. Some of them are made for leisure, some of which are designed to function. In Wisconsin, for example, sand is considered a major commodity, aptly enough, it can be considered as small diamonds. This condition is known for mining in the past has only one working mine and they do scoop the sand here, and just get placed somewhere else within the earth's surface. This is where we ask ourselves what is the frac sand, and how does it work?

What is frac sand?

This is a unique form of sand and it's like a snowball minutes which is very durable and strong. You can say that this type of sand is almost like a quartz crystal. This is the perfect material for hydraulic fracturing. In recent years, with increased focus on high natural gas deep in the shale structure cracks, the demand for frac sand has become incredibly high. This so-called frac sand is combined with water at very high pressures, it is pumped into a natural gas bunara.Voda and sand mixture, when the blasted rock has cracks open, so that the natural gas and oil can make its way in the well.

So what makes Wisconsin sand is ideal for this process? Well, according to geologists, mining area is part of the Jordan sandstone formation where the sand can break very easily and impurities can be removed without problems sve.Tekstura frac sand is similar to brown sugar, except that they are much stronger and can not lose. Ideal frac sand is something that does not stick together, which means that they are rounded so they will not cause a blockage.

What attributes do not have a frac sand?

As we said earlier, it should be rounded and has a smooth texture. Another property of these sands is that it must be able to withstand the incredible pressure, heat and sand damage as you travel deeper into the earth's surface, ideally at 8000 meters below ground. Most companies are searching for old deposits because they are much clearer, and they are also much stronger. Although it is round, it should have a rough and tough in texture and allows the sand to prevent problems such as blockages. It also allows the sand to become permeable, allowing other components to pass through the cracks, while keeping open.

frac sand used as proppant, so it is necessary to choose the right size particles are mixed with other liquids and water for hydraulic fracturing proces.Glavni goal of using the sand to ensure that it can effectively keep the cracks open the regular sand will be able to keep the cracks open. Frac sand passes through a wet or dry processing. In wet processing, sand and clay washed removed. Agglomerates were also removed. While wet, the smaller particles are removed. In dry processing, proper sizing is done. Any magnetic components are taken out and any non quartz materials have been removed. For large reservoirs as well as Marcellus Shale, the sand is needed to ensure that gas is extracted efficiently.


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